Quality of life matters.

We envision a world of walkable communities where people can experience a higher quality of life by living and working in community with one another.

Quality of life matters. Each day is composed of many interactions between each other and our immediate environment. Days become weeks, weeks become years, and years become a lifetime.

We are starting by finding and developing leaders in New York City who are willing to step up and make a difference on their block. We will help these leaders find resources for projects that improve local quality of life.

If you are a leader in your community—or if you are entertaining the idea of becoming one—then we are here for you. Thank you for your leadership.

Isaac Oates
London Plane Foundation

Tree Leaves

Our Strategy

To move towards a world full of walkable communities, London Plane is focused on five program areas:

  1. Architecture of public space. Modern street designs and fixtures allow pedestrians, bicyclists and vehicles to safely share space and encourage people to share experiences.

  2. Transportation. Fast, reliable and efficient public transportation combined with micromobility allows a significant reduction in vehicular traffic.

  3. Entrepreneurialism. Locally-owned businesses keep wealth within communities and help their character flourish.

  4. Zoning. Mixed residential and commercial zones make it possible for more people to live and work within walking distance.

  5. Local environment. Air and water quality are fundamental to local quality of life.

There’s a lot to do. We are starting by making Block Improvement Grants to block associations (and similar organizations) in New York City.

Our Team